Route leaks from ASn 7713 (Informational)

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[#570] Route leaks from ASn 7713 (Informational)

Posted: 2017-12-16 12:27

Start: 2017-12-16 00:00:00
End : 2017-12-16 23:59:59

Affects: Abnormal routing

Last night a router from ASn 7713 (PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Int) started leaking routes from networks such as ASn 3320 (Deutsche Telekom) and subroutes such as ASn 6830 (Aorta). The same we have seen them do for ASn 3257 (GTT). They leaked routes over

We noticed that in particular routes from Aorta were being re-announced from their infrastructure, causing high latency and unstable connectivity to Aorta networks. We have received some information from other routes that were affected, most likely this is causing random global issues.

We will keep monitoring this network the coming hours.

*** Please be aware that this issue/incident is outside of our scope and is a global issue on the internet, originated by ASn 7713. ***

2017-12-16 14.50:
We have received reports from global sources that ASn 7713 still has not resolved their route leaking. Therefore we have filtered out ASn 7713 on our network from all peering exchanges.

Notice from for example NL-IX:
"We observe that AS 7713 (PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Int) is reannouncing plenty of prefixes from their upstreams (GTT, NTT, DTAG, KPN, and so on) via the NL-IX route servers, hijacking plenty of prefixes (16 dec at 2:30 CET) toward their NL-IX port in Marseille (well, not really hijacking prefixes in fact, but stealing the traffic)."