Powergrid outage (Informational)

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[#509] Powergrid outage (Informational)

Posted: 2017-08-14 20:05

Start: 2017-08-14 14:19:00
End : 2017-08-14 15:39:00

Affects: Databarn Amsterdam

Dear client,

Please note that this is merely an informational notification, no incidents in our network and hosting infrastructure were detected. However, we felt the need to post news on this outage regarding the power-grid directly adjecent to the DBA DC in Amsterdam. A midstation was affected over the Leander power network at 14.19 CEST.

At this moment we can confirm that the DBA datacenter in which we have presence did not show any sign of outage due to the midstation failure. Also none of our transit providers seem to be directly affected either. Neither do we see any decrease in bandwidth throughput.

We received notifications from the DBA hosting facility that they were running on backup power since the start of the incident 14.19 CEST and have shifted back to the power grid at 15.39 CEST with no incidents reported.

DBA staff has been present during the power-grid outage to monitor the situation throughout and will continue to do so in the coming hours. They confirm no services were affected and they report everything went as it should regarding the shift to and from UPS/Aggregate when at the given times.