Failover mgmt R1 EQX-AM7 (Status)

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[#462] Failover mgmt R1 EQX-AM7 (Status)

Posted: 2017-04-11 15:28

Start: 2017-04-11 15:21:00
End : 2017-04-11 15:26:00

Affects: Routing Equinix AM7

Router 1 at Equinix AM7 experienced a failover from the primary to secondary management controller. The failover itself happened at 15.21 and toke several seconds. At 15.26 the full internet table was available again at this router.

Several hundred BGP sessions flapped and are currently exchanging routes. During this you might see routes changing and rerouting.

There is already a maintenance planned to update the firmware on this router. This is planned for upcoming Sunday morning at 02.00 CE(S)T.